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Skylduverkefni 1:

Beautiful, Wise and Fantastic!


Elves are thin creatures with fine features such as high cheek bones and narrow looking eyes. They have pale skin, fair coloured hair and their eyes can be green, amber, blue or hazel. Their ears are longer than humans and they are usually pointed upwards. They speak thein own language of course! And they live for hundreds of years.


Elves are said to be intelligent, magical healers and able to see in the dark. They usually live in magically protected forests. An elf has a natural ability to sense danger, can use a bow, sword and scimitar very well and is closer to nature than a human.


Elves do not like to live with humans or other creatures. They believe that all others are less intelligent and also greedy for power and riches. There are many type of elves and all of them fight on the side of good against evil except for one. The Dark Elves or Drow are evil and live in the dark far below the ground. These elves cannot bear the light and hate all other elves.


The most famous of all Dark Elves is Drizzt Do’Urden who appears as the main character in many books written by R.A. Salvatore. Drizzt runs away from his evil world called the Underdark and becomes a good elf. He leaves his world because he does not like to murder and kill for no reason. And he does not think like his family does. He fights against evil with his magical black panther Guenhwyver.

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Skylduverkefni 2:

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